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Creating your own WWW Home Page

Non-commercial member home pages are FREE.

Writing HTML documents

A common method for writing HTML pages is to look at the document source for a page which has features you like. Using a menu option like View Source in your Web browser will usually show you the commands used to generate the page. There are also many links on the WWW that explain in detail HTML commands and style guides. Here are some you might find useful.

There are several different programs that can be used to edit HTML files. Any text editing program such as Notepad can be used for editing HTML or a WYSIWYG HTML Authoring program. You can find many of these in the HTML Tools such as those listed at TUCOWS. Check out one of these:

  • Hot Dog - Nice editing functions, good URL building.
  • CoffeeCup Editor - Holds your hand all the way. Rather limited in the scope of what it does.
  • HTML Builder - Provides a nice editing environment, and adds tools you can use if you need them.
  • Microsoft FrontPage - a good HTML authoring program with many nice features. Includes a Web Publishing Wizard that helps upload the page and also an Image Composer to edit any graphics in your page.

Macintosh users should check out BBEdit.

All documents must end with .html to be recognized as an HTML document. If you are using DOS, which limits you to three letter extensions, then use .htm for now. You can rename the files later to .html.

Putting your homepage on the Web server

How to upload your web pages

Adding access counters and other dynamic information to your documents

Counters and other dynamic information can easily be added to your home page by using a feature known as server side includes. A guide to server side includes is available.