E-mail Information
Setting Up Extra Email Accounts With every Residential Dialup Access account, you have an option of having up to four(4) free additional email accounts. To set up your free extra email accounts:
This new account is an "email-only" account and cannot be used for dialup purposes. You will need to connect with your main dialup account, and then you can check this new email account. Once this new account is setup, you will need to configure your email program. Maximum Message Size The largest message that you can send or recieve through Netdoor's email server is now 10 Megs(as of 02/2008). Email was never designed to transfer large files. If you need to transfer larger files you should use Web or FTP space. There are many other ways to transfer files such as via ICQ or
IRC. Spam Please see our spam section for additional information.Maximum Recipient Size In our efforts to further combat spam a recipient limit has been applied to incoming and outgoing email messages. That means that if a NETDOOR customer tries to send to more than 25 recipients or if someone outside of the NETDOOR network tries to send to more than 25 NETDOOR customers at a time it will be rejected by the mail server. If you have a need to send to more than 25 recipients at a time, here's what we suggest: